Georgia Tech-CNRS IRL 2958: Connecting Researchers in France and Atlanta
- International partnership Georgia Tech – CNRS
- Research teams
- III-N Materials and Nanostructures for Photonics and Electronics
- Aerospace Systems Design Laboratory
- Center for Materials Innovation
- Data-driven Robotics for Environment Assessment and Monitoring – DREAMLAB
- Nonlinear Dynamics in Photonics and Electronics
- Terahertz Imaging & Spectroscopy
- Ultrasonics / Acoustics
- Press
International partnership Georgia Tech – CNRS
Established in 2006, the International Research Lab (formerly International Mixed Unit – UMI) is managed by both Georgia Tech in Atlanta through the “Mirror Lab” and the CNRS in France. Researchers, postdocs, students, and established academic and industrial partners joining forces for research around four main themes:
- Smart Materials (functional and structural)
- Non-destructive evaluation by acoustic and THz spectroscopies
- Robotics and Artificial Intelligence
- Simulation and evaluation of complex systems
Over the past five years, 65 doctoral students from all around the world were supervised by IRL researchers. Many were enrolled at Georgia Tech, while others were enrolled at partner institutions, such as the University of Lorraine, CentraleSupélec, and ENSAM. Most of these doctoral students have gone onto careers with large industrial groups.
Every four years, the partnership between Georgia Tech and CNRS is renewed. In the 2018 renewal, Jean-Paul Salvestrini was named director of the GT – CNRS 2958 lab.

Research teams
III-N Materials and Nanostructures for Photonics and Electronics
STRATEGY – Innovate and develop smart multifunctional materials
by : Bandgap engineering, Lattice engineering, Heterogeneous integration
for : Increased device functionality, Performance boost, Cost reduction
Vertical full-colour micro-LEDs via 2D materials-based layer transfer. Nature 614, 81–87 (2023).
Aerospace Systems Design Laboratory
STRATEGY – Formulate, develop, and implement comprehensive approaches to the design of affordable and high-quality complex system.
– Serve as an educational leader in advanced systems architecting, engineering, design, integration and operations, decision making, digital engineering, date and visual analytics.
Georgia Tech Aerospace Systems Design Laboratory
Georgia Tech Europe Aerospace Systems Design Laboratory
Alexandra Ramotar
Undergraduate Researcher, School of Aerospace Engineering

By Alexandra N. Ramotar
Alexandra Ramotar (GTAE) placed second at the AIAA 2023 Region II Student Conference for her presentation title “An Implementation of the A* Search Algorithm for Dynamic Message Routing in Homogeneous Communication Satellite Networks”. She adapted, tested, and analyzed an algorithm for the challenging problem of routing a message along a network of nodes which are not fixed in space, nor in relation to one another. Further, she demonstrated its effectiveness relative to a best-first algorithm through quantitative and qualitative assessments.
Alexandra supported ongoing research at Georgia Tech Europe through her work, providing valuable insights on existing efforts while laying the foundation for further developments and explorations.
Center for Materials Innovation
STRATEGY – Our objective is to understand the relationship between processing, microstructure and properties of materials. To this aim, we develop simulation models of diverse physical processes of microstructure evolution in metals at different time and length scales and utilize modern methods of materials informatics. In particular, the Process-Structure-Property (PSP) linkage will form the intellectual basis for integrating data science techniques into a more coherent understanding of materials science and engineering.
Development of Recrystallization Texture in Commercially Pure Titanium: Experiments and Simulation
Data-driven Robotics for Environment Assessment and Monitoring – DREAMLAB
STRATEGY – Development of automated systems to monitor environments over long periods of time. Automation may be expressed in a large spectrum going from automated processing of a large dataset to autonomous operation of a mobile robot.
Focus on outdoor environment from natural ecosystems (lake/forests) to industrial, for monitoring and inspection needs.
Autonomous Exploration in Natural Environments – Stephanie Aravecchia
Long-term River Monitoring – Georges Chahine
BugWright2 – European collaborative project
Nonlinear Dynamics in Photonics and Electronics
Terahertz Imaging & Spectroscopy
STRATEGY – Nonlinear dynamical systems underly a plethora of physical, biological, and social phenomena. They are useful in building systems that provide superior performance compared to purely linear systems. We develop photonic and electronic applications that take advantage of the properties of nonlinear dynamical systems.
STRATEGY – THz imaging is a new modality for the 3D inspection of numerous electrically insulating materials, including the interior of optically opaque objects. It is nondestructive, contactless and non-ionizing. We use THz imaging and spectroscopy to investigate the dielectric properties, structure, response to stress and defects in materials. THz imaging can provide new or additional information with respect to other nondestructive-evaluation techniques.
Equipe Photoniques et Terahertz : Website
Google Scholar David Citrin
Google Scholar Alexandre Locquet
Imaging technique unlocks the secrets of 17th century artists, EurekAlert, Nov 21, 2017
In Picasso’s Blue Period, Scanners Find Secrets He Painted Over, The New York Times, Feb 20, 2018
Terahertz Imaging Reveals Long-Buried Inscription, Optics & Photonics News, May 5th, 2022
Ultrasonics / Acoustics
STRATEGY – Explore mechanical properties of structures and materials
– Combine ultrasound and alternative techniques for material/structure inspection
– Range of instruction from micron/submicron level to meter-wide range
Site web de Nico F. Declercq
Google Scholar Nico F. Declercq
Research Gate Nico F. Declercq
Ultrasonic investigation of the effect of compressive strains on 3D periodic bi-material structures
On-plate autonomous exploration for an inspection robot using ultrasonic guided waves
Learning the propagation properties of rectangular metal plates for Lamb wave-based mapping
Joint CNRS Research Laboratory, Georgia Tech 2023-2023 Catalog
IRL 2958 – Georgia Tech & CNRS, hal.science