Lafayette Institute’s history
“Institut Lafayette is an innovation platform located on the Technopole of Metz in France, adjacent to the building of Georgia-Tech Lorraine, the European campus of the Georgia Institute of Technology. Its mission is to simultaneously provide access to world-class facilities/expertise in advanced semiconductor materials/devices research and prototyping for innovations in optoelectronics, and to offer an array of technology transfer services that will accelerate and increase the efficiency of commercialization of these innovations. The newly created institute is housed in a brand new 25,000 sq.ft. building comprised of offices, laboratories and a 5,000 sq.ft. cleanroom fully equipped with state-of-the-art characterization, fabrication, and pilot manufacturing equipment to enable innovations and training in optoelectronics and inorganic/organic semiconductors.”
“Georgia Tech to Launch $30 Million ‘Lafayette Institute’”, Global Atlanta, Nov 30, 2010
“Georgia Tech expands French campus with nanotechnology institute”, Nanowerk, Nov 30, 2010
Main activities since 2014
Signing a partnership between University of Lorraine, The French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) and Lafayette Institute.
“Institut Lafayette and AIXTRON sign Memorandum of Understanding”
“AIXTRON Partners with Institut Lafayette on Advancement of Organic Deposition Technology OVPD“
Signing a master agreement with Metz-Thionville hospital
IBIS Project – Intelligent Battery Integrated System, with PSA Group
Webinar “New generation of smart & connected sensors for the industry”
“Researchers find a way to make VR headsets more realistic”, The Economist, Feb 1, 2023IWUMD 2023 – The 6th International Workshop on Ultraviolet Materials and Devices
Scientific papers
Top 100 Read Articles in Physics Papers for Scientific Reports in 2017
“Vertical full-colour micro-LEDs via 2D materials-based layer transfer”